So the first shot was planned to be of the artist. This was kept as it introduces the artist nicely.
The 2nd shot was to be the couple walking down the stairs together. The 2nd shot is now a landscape shot which pans up into the sky to set the romantic setting, however as it pans up it sets a quite spooky sky scene.
So the third shot is just the same as the original storyboard as it is of the stairs however after this it is the couple on the stairs and then cross dissolves into the actor on his own. This is because we developed our original idea to a more bold and unique idea/look.
After this on the story board there was supposed to be the shot of the guy with the cards. We kept this the same as we thought this would show the guy reminising well.
After this was planned to be a close up of the artist however as I developed our ideas and got rough cut feedback from our teachers they liked the memory concept and thought we should show this as much as possible, therefore because of this we decided to add more memories scenes of the couple together and apart. So this is what I done.
You can see the colour contrast between the two scenes. We used this idea to show the mood of the scenes. So going from happy to sad and lonely.
To show the guy reminising and remembering his girlfriend I came up with the idea of using candles to symbolise this instead of having a shot of the couple in the forest as planned due to the fact I thought the symbolism of candles is much stronger.
Next was supposed to be a montage of the couple. However when getting to know the song pace more I felt as if a montage wouldn't work well and therefore I decided to keep with the pace of using a slower clip of the guy lonely.
This clip was supposed to be of the guy walking past the form and looking out for the girl however once I had analysed the timings of the song this was a perfect time to re shot the artist and have her lip syncing, as this is a crucial convention of a music video.
Because we just showed the artist I didn't think it would look right if I had faded it back into the artist and therefore chose to show a new memory.
Next was suppose to be a clip of the forest again however as we hadn't used this previously I decided to use the candles clip instead to use this over and over to show the rememberance theme.
Which then fades into a photo frame to show notions of looking.
Here was supposed to be a shot of the artist however due to our teachers saying focus on the memory aspect. I decided to use a romantic location of the couple together and then show the guy angry when the girl is no longer there.
I then decided to show the artist as she hadn't been seen in quite a while so I thought it was neccesary.
Here was supposed to be a montage however as before the pace of the song wouldn't suit the montage so therefore I used the forest idea which gives it a romantic secret feel.
I then shot the artist again just as originally planned in the storyboard.
Here was planned to be a montage again however I decided again not to include this so instead would reinforce the rememberance aspect, which works really well. After this was a shot of the candles all blown out due to the fact the pace of the song went quite dramatic.
Here was supposed to be the cards and then the artist lip syncing next, however this wouldn't work with the song timing as the chorus started here so therefore I had the shot of the artist here instead.
Here was supposed to be the couple on the bench however it then changed as I didn't feel as if a bench would be too much of a romantic setting so I developed it to a walk along the river.
It was planned to be the artist here to finish the song however when analysing the song properly I realised that the initial timings were wrong as the song hadn't finished. Therefore I decided to reinforce the notions of looking theory of Goodwins with the photo frames.
Here is another memory aspect in a romantic setting as this was our main concept. I broke the scenes up nicely by fading the couple together in bright colours with a vignette into a clip of the actor alone with a very dull mood.
It then goes back to need to sell the artist so a nice clip of the artist was shown.
Which then goes back to the photo frame aspect of memories.
From our teacher feedback I learnt how to use cross dissolve and therefore used this with lots of photo to give a nice memory feel.
It then goes to the haunted look of the thought of the guy being watched by the girl ghost. Which gives notions of looking again.
Then is a clip of the artist walking down the stairs to fit the lyrics.
To end the video is a nice romantic shot of the couple next to the sunset.
So in conclusion I used my research very well to develop my ideas and concept from my original ideas from my storyboard.