Wednesday 19 October 2011

Analysis of Students Magazine Advert

I have selected this magazine advert from the past students blog 'T2-40'.

In my opinion there are many things in which work well in order to capture and entice audiences. The first thing in which I think works really well in this advert is the technique of white on black. It really makes the text stand out and captures your attention instantly. We will be using this technique with ours to reflect the mood of the song as well as to make the text bold and eye-catching. Also the fonts they have used work really well as they are extremely easy to read from a distance as the characters are all clear. This is a technique I will take into consideration when creating our magazine advert.

The next great point about this advert is the graphics behind the tour listing. The colours aren't to striking however they do capture your attention still. I think this is a nice technique of having the colours bold but not to striking. We will also use this as it will incorporate the meaning and emotion behind the song if the colours stand out but aren't to bold.

They have also been successful in following the conventions of music magazine adverts. For example the name of the band and the track has clearly been shown, they have a star rating from NME magazine, they have a graphic/image, they have the release date, tour listings, a retailer in which you can buy it from and finally the record label in the bottom left hand corner. So therefore this will help to remind us what we need our magazine advert to feature.

From analysing the magazine advert I have realised that the layout of the titles are great. Nothing is out of proportion which is good and the title of the track being to the left of the frame works really well. So I have learnt from studying this advert that not having all the text in the centre works well, so I will try off-centering the text to either the left or the right of the frame.

The only negative I have about this advert is based on personal judgement. Which is that the record label logo should have been the same size as the hmv logo in the right hand corner.

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