Monday 3 October 2011

Timeline Of Song

I have listened to the track and broke down how long each verse lasts and also how much each line lasts. This will help us when filming because it will show us how long each line of footage needs to be.

Verse One will consist of both the artist and the acting.

'The steps on the stairs aren't really there, feel like someone's watching me' this lasts 8 seconds and will consist of the couple on the stairs. It then goes on to the 3rd and fourth line being 'shadows on the wall, whispers down the hall, when i look there's nothing to see' this will last 11 seconds and will be of the artist.

'You say that you let her go, Turn the page and close the door' so this will be for 7 seconds and consist of the couple again. It then goes on to the remaining lines of the verse and it will last 8 seconds.

'I cant compete with a memory how can I fight with someone I cant see' will be for 7 seconds and consist of the couple with the remaining lines being for 8 seconds. The group in the forest.

The chorus lasts 12 seconds and will be a montage of the couple.

After this will be 'you say that shes gone that you've moved on' the first two lines will be for seven seconds. And will consist of the guy walking past the old form room of the girls'. The final 2 lines will be close ups of the artists silhouette. In total this must last for 16 seconds.

Then the verse will be 'Sometimes when you look past me' this will consist of the girl and boy in the forest which will last 7 seconds and then have a shot of the artist then go back to the couple with the guy not there for the remaining 6 seconds of the 9.

The next verse is the 'I cant compete with a memory' this will consist of the guy looking through old cards and letters. And then shoot back for the remaining seconds to the artist. This will last 17 seconds in total.

The chorus is 12 seconds again and will be a montage of the couple.

'wish i could cast a spell to make her spirit leave' this will consist of the artist lip syncing... This will last 35 seconds but this includes the instrumental section too which will be a montage.

'I cant compete with a memory' will go back to the guy reading through letters and cards. This has to last 16 seconds.

'Boy you're everything I wanted' is the chorus again so will be the artist lip syncing which is for 12 seconds.

And then the remaining two verses will have the couple on the bench and then the guy exiting at the end. which is 24 seconds.

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