Thursday, 1 December 2011

Creative Use Of Technology

Overall I feel as if I  have used the technology available very creatively. From producing the work to editing.

For example I did the filming of the music video except the lip syncing which I was still present at. When using the HD camera I nade sure I was using the technology in a creative way by ensuring the mise-en-scene was correct the angle of the shot and type of shot was creative and would fit the genre. So therefore I feel as if the result portrays my creativiity.

Also when using the still cameras I made sure the frame positioning and everything within mise-en-scene was considered in order to capture a high quality creative image.

I also did the editing and created ideas which were unique and which would stand out. For example changing the image to black and white, experimenting with the hue,saturation, brightness, contrast etc. Using filters available in photoshop, and experimenting with the opacity of images. So not only was I creative in the production of the work I also ensured that I used the software of the technology creatively too in order to achieve a bold and unique set of promotional package materials.

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